Effects of US Ethanol production on land and environment Fact Sheet explains uncertainties in estimated effects and how to build consensus through science-based approaches.
Bioenergy and Food Security a Fact Sheet provides links to additional resources on how bioenergy can achieve synergies with sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Variable demand for biofuels and flex-crops can enhance synergies among agriculture and renewable biomass feedstocks, benefiting rural economies and food security.
More sustainable agricultural landscapes – lessons learned applying a systematic approach to engage stakeholders.
Food-Energy-Water Crises in the US and China: Researchers analyze importance and challenges presented by food-energy-water systems’ inter-relationships.
Forests & Biodiversity: Can forest management protect biodiversity AND provide biomass for energy? Read lessons learned and strategies for success for approaches that support multiple goals. Causes of deforestation are reviewed and recommendations provided for specific steps that would slow the loss of high conservation-value forests.
Omitaomu OA, Kotikot SM, Parish ES (2021) Planning green infrastructure placement based on projected precipitation data. Journal of Environmental Management 279: 111718.
Wood pellets for bioenergy and the sustainable development goals: analysis of SE US supply chain impacts, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.
Dec 2020: Final report summarizes deliverables under Special Project Partnership with CIMMYT on Stakeholder Engagement and Assessing Progress toward More Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes [ORNL WFO No. NFE-14-05140 with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).]
Langholtz M, Busch I, Kasturi A, Hilliard M, McFarlane J, Tsouris C, Mukherjee S, Omitaomu O, Kotikot S, Allen M, DeRolph C, Davis M, Parish E (2020) The economic accessibility of CO2 sequestration through bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) in the US. Land 9: 299. Special issue on “Bioenergy and Land.”
Jager H, Parish E, Langholtz M, King A (2020) Perennials in flood-prone areas of agricultural landscapes: A climate adaptation strategy. BioScience 70(4): 278–280
Efroymson RE, Jager HI, Mathews TJ, Mandal S, Parish ES (In Press) Better Management Practices for Environmentally Sustainable Production of Microalgae and Algal Biofuels. Journal of Cleaner Production https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125150
Parish E, Dale V, Davis M, Efroymson R, Hilliard M, Kline K, Jager H, Xie F (In Press) An Indicator-based Approach to Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. Chapter 13 of Data Science Applied to Sustainability Analysis 2020. Co-edited by Jennifer Dunn and Prasanna Balaprakash for Elsevier.
Ha M, Wu M, Tomer M, Gassman P, Isenhart T, Arnold J, White M, Parish E, Comer K, Belden B (2020) Biomass production with conservation practices for two Iowa watersheds. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 56(6): 1030-1044.
Parish ES, Baskaran LM, Dale VH (2020) Framework for assessing land-management effects on at-risk species: Example of SE USA wood pellet production and gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus). WIREs Energy and Environment 10(1): e385.
Kline KL, Dale VH (2020) Protecting Biodiversity through Forest Management: Lessons Learned and Strategies for Success. Int J Environ Sci Nat Res. 26(4): 556194
Dale VH, Kline KL, Hodges DG, Chapagain B, Watcharaanantapong P, Poudyal NC (2019) Perspectives of Family Forest Owners Regarding Wood-Based Bioenergy. World Biomass 2019-2020. DCM Productions, United Kingdom
Englund O, Dale VH, Kline KL, McGrath, J, McDonnell K, Mola-Yudego B, Murphy F, English B, Negri MC, Parish ES, Cacho J, Zumph C, Quinn J, Mishra S, Dimitriou I (2020) Multifunctional perennial production systems for bioenergy: performance and progress. WIREs Energy and Environment 9(5): e375.
How can we rapidly assess agricultural sustainability? Find out here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indic.2020.100029—Full Citation: Eichler SE, Kline KL, Ortiz-Monasterio I, López-Ridaura S, Dale VH. (2020). Rapid appraisal of landscape sustainability indicators for Yaqui Valley, Mexico. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators Vol 6 (June 2020): 100029
Nature-Sustainability: “Enhancements to agriculture in Guatemala can reduce migration pressure” is available for open access reading here: https://rdcu.be/b08LL—Full citation: Kline KL, Ramirez LF, Sum C, Lopez-Riadura S, Dale VH. 2020. Enhancements to agriculture in Guatemala can reduce migration pressure. Nature-Sustainability 3(2), 74-76. doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-0473-1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-020-0473-1
Simon and Kline – Roads and corruption are among major drivers for tropical deforestation. Will certification schemes help? Read More
Kline, Keith – What really works to conserve biodiversity and tropical forests? Get answers from this interview Q&A. Read More
Kline, Keith, 24 February 2020 – Can enhancing indigenous agricultural systems improve food security and reduce pressures to migrate from Central America? Read this Fact Sheet to learn more.
Dale VH, Kline KL, Parish ES, Eichler SE (2019) Engaging stakeholders to assess landscape sustainability. Landscape Ecology 34(6):1199–1218
Parish ES, Kline KL “Use of FIA Datasets to Analyze Effects of Wood-Based Bioenergy Production.” Abstract in Brandeis, Thomas J., comp. (2020) Celebrating progress, possibilities, and partnerships: Proceedings of the 2019 Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Science Stakeholder Meeting. November 19-21, 2019; Knoxville, TN. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-256. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 267 p. Available at https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/60966
Hodges DC, Chapagain B, Watcharaanantapong P, Poudyal NC, Kline KL, Dale VH (2019) Opportunities and attitudes of private forest landowners in supplying woody biomass for renewable energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113: 109205.
Hodges DG, Chapagain B, Watcharaanantapong P, Poudyal NC, Kline KL, Dale VH (2019) Dataset of Forest Landowner Survey to Assess Interest in Supplying Woody Biomass in Two Southeastern United States Fuelsheds. RSER Data in Brief 27: 104674.
Hodges DC, Chapagain B, Watcharaanantapong P, Poudyal NC, Kline KL, Dale VH (2019) Opportunities and attitudes of private forest landowners in supplying woody biomass for renewable energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113: 109205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2019.06.012
Schoenung S, Efroymson RA, and Langholtz MH. 2019. Considerations for the design of a gas transport system for co-location of microalgae cultivation with CO2 sources. ORNL/TM-2019/1130. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
2019 paper on assessing sustainability (open access): Dale VH, Kline KL, Parish ES, Eichler SE. 2019. Engaging stakeholders to assess landscape sustainability. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-019-00848-1. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10980-019-00848-1
January 2019, New report identifies research priorities to address LUC and sustainability issues
Eaton L, Langholtz M, Davis M. (2019) The impact of alternative land and yield assumptions in herbaceous biomass supply modeling: one‐size‐fits‐all resource assessmen? Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining 13(1):120-128. https://doi.org/10.1002/bbb.1946
Kooduvali K, Sharma B, Webb E, Vaidya U, Ozcan S. (2019) Sustainability Indicators for Biobased Product Manufacturing: A Systematic Review. Journal of Sustainable Development 12(1):1-29. URL: https://doi.org/10.5539/jsd.v12n1p55
Schoenung, S. M., Efroymson R. A. 2018. Algae production from wastewater resources: An engineering and cost analysis. ORNL/TM-2017/720. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Dale VH, Kline KL, Richard TL, Karlen DL, Belden WW. 2018. Bridging biofuel sustainability indicators and ecosystem services through stakeholder engagement. In a Special Issue on “Biofuels and Ecosystem Services” Biomass & Bioenergy 114: 143-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2017.09.016 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0961953417303100
Dale VH, HI Jager HI, AK Wolfe, RA Efroymson (2018) Risk and resilience in an uncertain world. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16(1):3. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fee.1759/full
Davis M, Alves BJR, Karlen D, Kline KL, Galdos M, Abulebdeh D. 2018 (in press). Review of Soil Organic Carbon Measurement Protocols: A U.S. and Brazil Comparison and Recommendation. Sustainability 10(1)53; doi:10.3390/su10010053 http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/1/53
Dimitriou, I., Berndes, G., Englund, O., Brown, M., Busch, G., Dale, V., Devlin, G., English, B., Goss, K., Jackson, S., Kline, K. L., McDonnell, K., McGrath, J., Mola-Yudego, B., Murphy, F., Negri, MC., Parish, E. S., Segane, H., and Tyler, D. (2018). “Lignocellulosic Crops in Agricultural Landscapes: Production systems for biomass and other environmental benefits – examples, incentives, and barriers.” IEA Bioenergy Task 43. http://task43.ieabioenergy.com/publications/lignocellulosic-crops-in-agricultural-landscapes/
Eichler, S.E., López-Ridaura, S., Kline, K.L., Gérard, B., Monsalue, A.G., Govaerts, B., Dale, V.H. (2018) “Assessing sustainability in agricultural landscapes: a review of approaches.” Environmental Reviews 26 (3):299-315. https://doi.org/10.1139/er-2017-0058
Gbadebo Oladosu & Keith L. Kline (2018 in press) “Pity the poor biofuels policymaker: reconsidered.” Biofuels, DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2018.1476220. This brief tries to set the record straight regarding modeling assumptions and results published previously in “Global economic effects of US biofuel policy and the potential contribution from advanced biofuels” by Oladosu et al. (2012). Available for download (first 50 can be accessed free at: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/JptpT2k5zwushDHNKGYN/full )
Griffiths, N.A., B.M. Rau, K.B. Vache, G. Starr, M.M. Bitew, D.P. Aubrey, J.A. Martin, E. Benton, and C.R. Jackson. (2018). “Environmental effects of short-rotation woody crops for bioenergy: What is and isn’t known.” GCB Bioenergy 2018:1-19. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12536
Jager, H.I., Efroymson, R.A., (2018). “Can upstream biofuel production increase the flow of downstream ecosystem goods and services?” Biomass and Bioenergy 114, 125-131. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0961953417302799
Jager, H.I., Kreig, J. (2018). “Designing Landscapes for Biomass Production and Wildlife. Global Ecology and Conservation” 16:e00490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00490
Kanter DR, Musumba M, Wood SLR, Palm C, Antle J, Balvanera P, Dale VH, Havlik P, Kline KL, Scholes RJ, Thornton P, Tittonell P, Andelman S. 2018. Evaluating agricultural trade-offs in the age of sustainable development. Agricultural Systems Volume 163, June 2018, Pages 73-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2016.09.010
Kline, K.L., Parish, E.S. and Dale, V.H. (2018). “The importance of reference conditions in assessing effects of bioenergy wood pellets produced in the southeastern United States.” World Biomass 2018-2019; p 82-86. DCM Productions, United Kingdom. http://www.dcm-productions.co.uk
Liu, J., Dou, Y., Batistella, M., Challies, E., Connor, T., Friis, C., Huettmann, F., Millington, J.D.A., Parish, E., Romulo, C., Silva, R.F.B., Treglia, M., Triezenberg, H., Yang, H., Zhao, Z., Zimmerer, K., Basher, Z., Chung, M.G., Herzberger, A., Lenschow. A., Mechiche-Alami, A., Newig, J., Roche, J., Sun, J. (2018). “Spillover systems in a telecoupled Anthropocene: Typology, methods, and governance for global sustainability.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 33:58-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.04.009
Mandal, S., Shurin, J., Efroymson, R., Mathews, T. (2018) “Functional divergence in nitrogen uptake rates provides mechanistic basis for diversity-productivity relationship in microalgal communities.” Ecosphere 9(5): e02228, https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2228
Negri, C., Jager, H., Nair, S., Ovard L. (2018). “Bioenergy Solutions to Gulf Hypoxia.” Multi-lab Report on a Workshop. June 2018. https://bioenergykdf.net/content/bioenergy-solutions-gulf-hypoxia
Oladosu G.A., & Kline, K.L. (2018) “Pity the poor biofuels policymaker: reconsidered.” Biofuels, https://doi.org/10.1080/17597269.2018.1476220
Oladosu G.A., Leiby, P.N., Bowman, D.C. Uria-Martinez, R. and Johnson, M.M. (2018) “Impacts of oil price shocks on the United States economy: a meta-analysis of oil price elasticity of GDP for net oil-importing economies.” Energy Policy 115:523-544. This article is part of a Virtual Special Issue entitled ‘Oil Supply Disruptions, U.S. Economic Activity and Oil Security’. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2018.01.032
Parish ES, Herzberger A, Phifer C, Dale VH (2018) Telecoupled transatlantic wood pellet trade provides benefits in both the sending and receiving systems. Ecology and Society 23 (1):28. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol23/iss1/art28/ Synthesis article for a special issue on “Telecoupling: A New Frontier for Global Sustainability.”
Pattullo, M.B., Mayes M.A., Mandal, S., Mathews, T.J., Dunlap, J., Perfect, E., McKay, L.D., Nield, E.V., Efroymson. R.A. (2019). “Soil sealing by algae: An alternative to plastic pond liners for outdoor algal cultivation.” Algal Research 38:101414. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2019.101414
Schoenung, S., Efroymson, R.A., and Langholtz, M.H. In review. “Cost-effective CO2 transport distances for open-pond microalgae cultivation co-located with CO2 resources.” Technical report.
Uría-Martínez, R., Leiby, P.N., Brown, M.L. (2018). “Cost of Oil and Biomass Supply Shocks under Different Biofuel Supply Chain Configurations” Transportation Research Record. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0361198118756876
Vazhnik, V., Parish, E.S., Dale, V.H. Kline, K.L., Richard, T.L. (2018) “Emergent properties of sustainability: Using agroecosystem indicators within spatial and temporal frameworks.” Paper 1800439. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Annual International Meeting (July 29 – August 1, Detroit, Michigan). 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting 1800439. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201800439
Wang, G., Jager, H.I. Baskaran, L.M., Brandt, C.C. (2018). “Water quantity and quality responses to biomass production in the Tennessee River Basin.” Global Change Biology: Bioenergy https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12537
Singh, N., Kline, K. L., Efroymson, R. A., Bhaduri, B., & O’Banion, B. (2017). Uncertainty in Estimates of Bioenergy-Induced Land Use Change. Chapter 10 in Bioenergy and Land Use Change (pp. 141–153). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119297376.ch10
Dale VH, Kline KL, Richard TL, Karlen DL, Belden WW (In press) Bridging Biofuel Sustainability Indicators and Ecosystem Services through Stakeholder Engagement. Biomass and Bioenergy. View Here
Dale VH, Parish ES, Kline KL, Tobin E (2017) How is wood-based pellet production affecting forest conditions in the southeastern United States? Forest Ecology and Management 396: 143-149. View Here
Dale VH, KL Kline, ES Parish, AL Cowie, R Emory, RW Malmsheimer, R Slade, CT Smith, TB Wigley, NS Bentsen, G Berndes, P Bernier, M Brandão, H Chum, R Diaz-Chavez, G Egnell, L Gustavsson, J Schweinle, I Stupak, P Trianosky, A Walter, C Whittaker, M Brown, G Chescheir, I Dimitriou, C Donnison, A Goss Eng, KP Hoyt, JC Jenkins, K Johnson, CA Levesque, V Lockhart, MC Negri, JE Nettles, M Wellisch (2017) Status and prospects for renewable energy using wood pellets from the southeastern United States. GCB Bioenergy View Here
Dale VH and KL Kline. 2017. Interactive Posters: A valuable means for enhancing communication and learning about productive paths toward sustainable bioenergy. Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. View Here
Dale VH, KL Kline, ES Parish, AL Cowie, R Emory, RW Malmsheimer, R Slade, CT Smith, TB Wigley, NS Bentsen, G Berndes, P Bernier, M Brandão, H Chum, R Diaz-Chavez, G Egnell, L Gustavsson, J Schweinle, I Stupak, P Trianosky, A Walter, C Whittaker, M Brown, G Chescheir, I Dimitriou, C Donnison, A Goss Eng, KP Hoyt, JC Jenkins, K Johnson, CA Levesque, V Lockhart, MC Negri, JE Nettles, M Wellisch (2017) Status and prospects for renewable energy using wood pellets from the southeastern United States. GCB Bioenergy doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12445. View Here
Duden AS, PA Verweij, HM Junginger, RC Abt, JD Henderson, VH Dale, KL Kline, D Karssenberg, JA Verstegen, APC Faaij, F van der Hilst (2017) Modelling the impacts of wood pellet demand on forest dynamics in southeastern United States. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. View Here
Efroymson RA, VH Dale, MH Langholtz. 2017. Socioeconomic indicators for sustainable design and commercial development of algal biofuel systems. GCB Bioenergy 9:1005-1023, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12359. View Here
Fritsche, UR, G Berndes, AL Cowie, VH Dale, KL Kline, FX Johnson, H Langeveld, N Sharma, H Watson, J Woods (2017) Energy and land use. Working Paper for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook. Prepared for UNCCD and IRENA. View Here
Hanssen SV, Duden AS, Junginger HM, Dale VH, van der Hilst F (2017) Wood pellets, what else? Greenhouse gas parity times of European electricity from wood pellets that are produced in the south-eastern United States using different softwood feedstocks. GCB Bioenergy. View Here
Parish ES, Dale VH, Kline KL (2017) Has pellet production affected SE US forests? World Biomass. DCM Productions, United Kingdom. Pages 38-42. View Here
Parish, Esther Sullivan (2017) Investigating the Sustainability of Southeastern United States’ Wood Pellet Production for Use in European Biopower Facilities. PhD Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Dec. 2017. Available at https://trace.utk.edu/islandora/object/utk.ir.td%3A48
Parish ES, Dale VH, Kline KL Abt RC (2017) Reference scenarios for evaluating wood pellet production in the Southeastern United States. WIREs Energy and Environment. e259. doi: 10.1002/wene.259. View Here
Parish, ES, Dale VH, Tobin E, Kline KL 2017. Dataset of timberland variables used to assess forest conditions in two Southeastern United States’ fuelsheds. Data in Brief 13: 278–290. View Here
Souza G, Ballester MVR, Cruz CHB, Chum H, Dale B, Dale VH, Fernandes E, Foust T, Karp A, Lynd L, Maciel R, Milanez A, Nigro F, Osseweijer P, Verdade L, Victoria R, Van Der Wielen L (2017) The role of bioenergy in a climate-changing world. Environmental Development 23:57-64. View Here
Dale VH, Parish ES, Kline KL. 2016. Lessons from the forest. Pages 18-22 in World Biomass. DCM Productions, United Kingdom. View Here
Efroymson RA, Dale VH and Langholtz MW (2016). Socioeconomic indicators for sustainable production and use of algal biofuels. GCB Bioenergy. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12359
Efroymson RA, Kline KL, Angelsen A, Verburg PH, Dale VH, Langeveld JWA, McBride A (2016) A causal analysis framework for land-use change and the potential role of bioenergy policy. Land Use Policy 59:516-527. View Here
Göran Berndes, Bob Abt, Antti Asikainen, Annette Cowie, Virginia Dale, Gustaf Egnell, Marcus Lindner, Luisa Marelli, David Paré, Kim Pingoud and Sonia Yeh. 2016. Forest biomass, carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation. From Science to Policy 3. European Forest Institute, Finland. Report A ThinkForest brief of the report is posted.
Kanter DR, Musumba M, Wood SLR, Palm C, Antle J, Balvanera P, Dale VH, Havlik P, Kline KL, Scholes RJ, Thornton P, Tittonell P, Andelman S. 2016. Evaluating agricultural trade-offs in the age of sustainable development. Agricultural Systems. View Here
Kline KL, Msangi S, Dale VH, Woods J, Souza G, Osseweijer P, Clancy J, Hilbert J, Mugera H, McDonnell P, Johnson F (2016) Reconciling food security and bioenergy: priorities for action. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. View Here
Langholtz, M., A. M. Coleman, L.M. Eaton, M. S. Wigmosta, Chad M. Hellwinckel, and Craig C. Brandt. 2016. Potential land competition between open-pond microalgae production and terrestrial dedicated feedstock supply systems in the U.S. Renewable Energy 93:201-214. View Here
Parish ES, VH Dale, BC English, SW Jackson, DD Tyler. 2016. Assessing multimetric aspects of sustainability: Application to a bioenergy crop production system in East Tennessee. Ecosphere 7(2):e01206. 10.1002/ecs2.1206.
Pollesch N, VH Dale. 2016. Normalization in sustainability assessment: Methods and implications, Ecological Economics 130:195-208. View Here
Pollesch N. 2016. Mathematical Approaches to Sustainability Assessment and Protocol Development for the Sustainability Target Assessment Resource for Bioenergy (Bio-STAR). PhD Dissertation, Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Dale VH, RA Efroymson, KL Kline, and M Davitt. 2015. A framework for selecting indicators of bioenergy sustainability. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining 9(4):435-446. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1562
Dale VH, Kline KL, Marland G, Miner RA. 2015. Ecological objectives can be achieved with wood-derived bioenergy. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13(6):297-299.
Efroymson RA, Dale VH. 2015. Environmental indicators for sustainable production of algal biofuels. Ecological Indicators 49:1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.09.028 View Here
Joly CA, Huntley BJ, LM Verdade LM, Dale VH, Mace G, Muok B, Ravindranath NH. 2015. Biofuel impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Chapter 16 in (Souza GM and Joly CA, editors) Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Rapid Assessment Process on Bioenergy and Sustainability, Paris, France. View Here
Kang S., D. Wang, J.A. Nichols, J. Schuchart, K.L. Kline, Yaxing Wei, D.M. Ricciuto, S.D. Wullschleger, W.M. Post, R.C. Izaurralde. 2015. Development of mpi_EPIC model for global agroecosystem modeling. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 111:48–54. View Here
Kline KL, Mayer AL, Martinelli FS, Medeiros R, Oliveira COF, Sparovek G, Walter A, Venier L. 2015. Bioenergy and biodiversity: Key lessons from the Pan American region. Environmental Management 56:1377-1396.
View Here
Pollesch N, VH Dale (2015) Applications of aggregation theory to sustainability assessment. Ecological Economics 114: 117-127.
Smith, CT et al. (including Kline KL, Parish ES, and Dale VH) (2015) Mobilizing Sustainable Bioenergy Supply Chain, Inter-Task Project Synthesis Report, IEA Bioenergy ExCo:2015:04 View Here
Dale VH, Elless M, Johnson K, Kline K, Negri C. 2014. Incorporating Bioenergy into Sustainable Landscape Designs: Summary of a workshop held in New Bern, North Carolina, on March 4-6, 2014. View Here
Dale B, Anderson J, Brown R, Csonka S, Dale VH, Herwick G, Jackson R, Jordan N, Kaffka S, Kline K, Lynd L, Malmstrom C, Ong R, Richard T, Taylor C, Wang M. 2014. Take a Closer Look: Biofuels Can Support Environmental, Economic and Social Goals. Environmental Science & Technology 48(13): 7200-7203.
Dale VH, Parish ES and Kline KL. 2014. Risks to global biodiversity from fossil-fuel production exceed those from biofuel production. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 9(2):177-189. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1528
Kang S, S Nair, KL Kline, JA Nichols, D Wang, WM Post, C Brandt, S Wullschleger, N Singh, and Y Wei. 2014. Global simulation of bioenergy crop productivity: analytical framework and case study for a perennial bioenergy crop – switchgrass. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy 6(1):14-24
View Here
Langholtz M, Eaton L, Turhollow A, Hilliard M. 2014. 2013 feedstock supply and price projections and sensitivity analysis. Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 8: 594-607. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1489
Turhollow, A ., Perlack, R. , Eaton, L., Langholtz, M., Brandt, C., Downing, M., Wright, L., Skog, K., Hellwinckel, C., Stokes, B., Lebow, P. 2014. The updated billion-ton resource assessment. Biomass & Bioenergy 70:149-164. View Here
Baskaran, L., H. Jager, A. Turhollow. Understanding shifts in agricultural landscapes: context matters when simulating future changes in water quantity and quality. ORNL TM Report – ORNL/TM-2013/531.
Dale, V. H. and K. L. Kline. 2013. Modeling for integrating science and management. Pages 209-240 In D.G. Brown, D. T. Robinson, N. H. F. French, and B.C. Reed (editors), Land Use and the Carbon Cycle: Advances in Integrated Science, Management, and Policy, Cambridge University Press.
Dale VH and KL Kline. 2013. Issues in using landscape indicators to assess land changes. Ecological Indicators 28:91-99. View Here
Dale, VH, MH Langholtz, BM Wesh, and LM Eaton. 2013. Environmental and socioeconomic indicators for bioenergy sustainability as applied to Eucalyptus. International Journal of Forestry Research Article ID 215276, 10 pages, 2013. View Here
Dale VH, RA Efroymson, KL Kline, MH Langholtz, PN Leiby, GA Oladosu, MR Davis, ME Downing, MR Hilliard. 2013. Indicators for assessing socioeconomic sustainability of bioenergy systems: A short list of practical measures. Ecological Indicators 26: 87-102. View Here
Dale VH, Kline KL, Kaffka SR, and Langeveld JWA. 2013. A landscape perspective on sustainability of agricultural systems. Landscape Ecology 28(6):1111-1123. View Here
Dale VH, KL Kline, D Perla, A Lucier. 2013. Communicating about bioenergy sustainability. Environmental Management 51(2): 279-290. View Here
Efroymson, RA, VH Dale, KL Kline, AC McBride, JM Bielicki, RL Smith, ES Parish, PE Schweizer, DM Shaw. 2013. Environmental indicators of biofuel sustainability: What about context? Environmental Management 51(2): 291-306. View Here
Johnson T, Jeff Bielicki, Rebecca Dodder, Mike Hilliard, Özge Kaplan, and Andy Miller. 2013. Stakeholder decision making along the bioenergy supply chain: Sustainability considerations and research needs. Environmental Management 51(2): 339-353.
Kline KL, Singh N, Dale VH. 2013. Cultivated hay and fallow/idle cropland confound analysis of grassland conversion in the Western Corn Belt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(31) View Here
Parish ES, KL Kline, VH Dale, RA Efroymson, AC McBride, TL Johnson, MR Hilliard, JM Bielicki. 2013. A multi-scale comparison of environmental effects from gasoline and ethanol production. Environmental Management 51(2): 307-338. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-012-9983-6
Patton-Mallory M, KE Skog, VH Dale. 2013. Integrated forest biorefineries: Sustainability considerations for forest biomass feedstocks. In (L. Christopher, ed.) Integrated Forest Biorefineries. Royal Society of Chemistry, London, England, pp. 80-97.
Ridley, CE, HI Jager, RA Efroymson, C Kwit, DA. Landis, ZH Leggett, DA Miller, CM Clark. 2013. Debate: Can bioenergy be produced in a sustainable manner that protects biodiversity and avoids the risk of invaders? Ecological Society of America Bulletin 94(3): 277-290. DOI: 10.1890/0012-9623-94.3.277
Oladosu D., K. Kline, P. Leiby, R. Martinez, M. Davis, M. Downing, and L. Eaton. 2012. Global economic effects of the US biofuel policy and the potential contribution from advanced biofuels. Biofuels 3(6): 703-723. View Here
Parish, ES, M Hilliard, LM Baskaran, VH Dale, NA Griffiths, PJ Mulholland, A Sorokine, NA Thomas, ME Downing, R Middleton. 2012. Multimetric spatial optimization of switchgrass plantings across a watershed. Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6(1):58-72. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.342
Wang, G., W. M. Post, M. A. Mayes, J. T. Frerichs, and S. Jagadamma. 2012. Parameter estimation for models of ligninolytic and cellulolytic enzyme kinetics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 48:28-38. View Here
Wang, G., and W. M. Post. 2012. A theoretical reassessment of microbial maintenance and implications for microbial ecology modeling. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01389.x
Wolfe, A, Downing, M, Hoagland, C. 2012. The perennial question: Farmers choices and the biofuel future. ORNL Technical Report ORNL/TM-2012/231. View Here
Dale, VH, KL Kline, LL Wright, RD Perlack, M Downing, RL Graham. 2011. Interactions among bioenergy feedstock choices, landscape dynamics and land use. Ecological Applications 21(4):1039-1054. View Here
Dale VH, Efroymson RA and Kline KL. 2011. The land use – climate change – energy nexus. Landscape Ecology 26(6):755-773. View Here
Dale, V.H. 2011. The role of disturbance in seasonally dry tropical forest landscapes. Pages 75-97 In W. McShea, J. S. Davies, N. Bhumpakphan (Editors) The Ecology and Conservation of Seasonally Dry Forests in Asia. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
Kline KL, GA Oladosu, VH Dale, and AC McBride. 2011. Scientific analysis is essential to assess biofuel policy effects: In response to the paper by Kim and Dale on“Indirect land use change for biofuels: Testing predictions and improving analytical methodologies.” Biomass and Bioenergy 35:4488-4491. View Here
McBride, A, VH Dale, L Baskaran, M Downing, L Eaton, RA Efroymson, C Garten, KL Kline, H Jager, P Mulholland, E Parish, P Schweizer, and J Storey. 2011. Indicators to support environmental sustainability of bioenergy systems. Ecological Indicators 11(5) 1277-1289. View Here
Oladosu G., K. Kline, R. Martinez and L. Eaton. 2011. Sources of Corn for Ethanol Production in the United States: A Review and Decomposition Analysis of the Empirical Data. Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 5:640-653 View Here
Schweizer, P. and H.I. Jager. 2011. Modeling fish diversity in the Arkansas-Red-White River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140(5): 1227-1239. View Here
Bruins, R., S. K. Hoekman, R. Efroymson, A. Aden, A. Hecht. November 2010. Transportation fuels for the 21st Century. EM Magazine pp. 26-32. View Here
CBES (Center for BioEnergy Sustainability, Oak Ridge National Laboratory). 2010. Land-Use Change and Bioenergy: Report from the 2009 workshop, ORNL/CBES-001, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for Bioenergy Sustainability. (pdf)
Dale, VH, Kline, KL, Wiens, J, Fargione, J. 2010. Biofuels: Implications for land use and biodiversity. Biofuels and Sustainability report of the Ecological Society of America View Here
Dale, VH, R Efroymson, and K Kline. 2010. Using a broad-scale perspective to address changes in land, climate, and energy. The Climate-Energy Nexus: Proceedings of the 2009 China-US Joint Research for Ecosystem and Environmental Change, pages 52-55, published by the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment, University of Tennessee.
Dale VH, R Lowrance, P Mulholland, P Robertson. 2010. Bioenergy sustainability at the regional-scale. Ecology and Society 15(4): 23. View Here
Jager, H. I., Baskaran, L. M., Brandt, C. C., Davis, E. B., Gunderson, C. A., and S. D. Wullschleger. 2010. Empirical geographic modeling of switchgrass yields in the United States. Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy 2: 248-257. DOI: 10.1111/j.1757-1707.2010.01059.x
Kline KL, Dale VH, Grainger A. 2010. Challenges for Bioenergy Emission Accounting. Science e-letter. (2 March 2010) View Here
Kline, K. L. and M. D. Coleman. 2010. Woody energy crops in the southeastern United States: two centuries of practitioner experience. Biomass and Bioenergy 34(12): 1655-1666, ISSN 0961-9534 View Here
Oladosu G and K Kline.2010. The Role of Modeling Assumptions and Policy Instruments in Evaluating the Global Implications of U.S. Biofuel Policies. Presented at the 33rd IAEE International Conference “The Future of Energy: Global Challenges, Diverse Solutions” Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 6-9, 2010. (pdf)
Baskaran L, Jager HI, Schweizer P, Srinivasan R. 2009. Use of the SWAT model to evaluate the sustainability of switchgrass production at a national scale. 2009 International SWAT Conference Proceedings, Boulder, CO. View Here
CBES (Center for BioEnergy Sustainability, Oak Ridge National Laboratory). 2009. Land-Use Change and Bioenergy: Report from the 2009 workshop, ORNL/CBES-001, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for Bioenergy Sustainability
CBES (Center for BioEnergy Sustainability, Oak Ridge National Laboratory). 2009, CBES (Center for BioEnergy Sustainability Oak Ridge National Laboratory) (2009) Sustainability of Bioenergy Systems: Cradle to Grave. Report from 2009 Workshop. ORNL/CBES-002, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for BioEnergy Sustainability. (pdf)
Dale V, K Kline, P Mulholland, M Downing, R Graham, and L Wright. 2009. “Selecting Metrics for Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstocks” in the Proceedings of the Second Workshop. Beijing, October 15-17, 2008, China-US Joint Research for Ecosystem and Environmental Change, pages 49-53, published by the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment, University of Tennessee. View Here
Hecht, AD, D Shaw, R Bruins, V Dale, K Kline, A Chen. 2009. Good policy follows good science: Using criteria and indicators for assessing sustainable biofuels production. Ecotoxicology 18(1):1-4. View Here
Kline KL, VH Dale, R Lee, and P. Leiby. 2009. In Defense of Biofuels, Done Right. Issues in Science and Technology 25(3): 75-84 View Here
Kline, KL and Dale, VH. 2008. Biofuels, causes of land-use change, and the role of fire in greenhouse gas emissions. Science 321:199.
Robertson, GP, VH Dale, OC Doering, SP Hamburg, JM Melillo, MM Wander, WJ Parton, PR Adler, JN Barney, RM Cruse, CS Duke, PM Fearnside, RF Follett, HK Gibbs, J Goldemberg, DJ Mladenoff, D Ojima, MW Palmer, A Sharpley, L Wallace, KC Weathers, JA Wiens, and WW Wilhelm. 2008. Sustainable Biofuels Redux, Science 322(5898): 49–50. DOI: 10.1126/science.1161525.